i am constantly on the search for a great table lamp.
here are a few of my favorites.

this beaut is from my all time favorite vintage store in the city -
post 27. they have stunningly gorgeous mid-century wares, along with some really special new items. and the owners couldn't be sweeter. i smile just thinking about that store.

a sleek and simple option from
design within reach. i've seen this little guy in person, and the picture really doesn't do it justice. it's really very unique.

this little gem is from
etsy. i could spend hours pouring over that site, it is so easy to get lost looking at all the beautiful vintage and handmade things.

these are from
white attic, an incredibly cool local business. there are a ton of lamp base, shade, color, and fabric options, and it's up to you to pick out the ones you like. isn't that genius? they also have refurbished vintage furniture.
lurve the green one. i can't wait to decorate an apartment!