paul and i just went for a bike ride down to hubbard and noble to check out a little public art he passed by the other day. he wouldn't tell me exactly where we were going or what we were seeing, so the surprise was pretty cool. turning the corner and seeing this big guy was a fun highlight of the day. the sculpture is by tony tasset, a chicago based artist who has a lot of works in the mca exhibit going on right now, and who will have a giant eye ball erected in millennium park later this summer. we also ended up being there right as the owner of the gallery who put the work there, kavi gupta, was walking by. he was so nice and down to earth and we had a great little conversation with him about art, bikes, and other lovely things. it was a pretty great moment.
i've tried, but i just cannot get on board with this sculpture. i've even found better quality photos, but i still think it is positively hideous! maybe i need to see it in person... haha. although, i googled around and i like some of his other works. particularly some of the photographs and a piece called "Cup"