oh, michelle williams. she just always does it right. she looks adorable when super casual and i think her red-carpet style is just perfect. she always looks like herself, and she's never overly styled. my heart always does a little pitter patter when i see a picture of her.
maggie gyllenhaal has that rare mix of goofball and glamour. may i have a little of that, please? she doesn't seem to take herself too seriously even though she totally could. her acting chops are clearly phenomenal, but she has this sweet approachability about her. and she has a cute hubby.

stevie nicks' style is way more out there than my own, but i always seem to come to her for inspiration. i love how she wears such dramatic outfits both on stage and in her real life. i would like to one day be able to pull off a cape the way she does.

funny and pretty and cool? yeah that's not a bad mix at all. rashida jones is like that really popular girl in high school who was also supremely nice. i would like to be her friend, please.

i don't know all that much about melanie laurent, but have you seen
inglorious basterds? she kind of stole the show. she was both feminine and a complete bad-ass. i loved her 1940's french garb in the movie, and she also has that easy parisian chic thing happening in real life. super cool.
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